Say Goodbye to the Twinkie, Hostess Going Out of Business
Say it isn't so! Twinkies could soon be a thing of the past. Hostess, the company that makes the delicious yellow cream filled cakes is closing.
The nationwide strike has crippled the company that has already filed for bankruptcy twice. Striking workers were warned Monday, if they didn't return to work by Thursday afternoon the company would liquidate their assets. They didn't return and the company stuck to it's word. Hostess announced this morning it will layoff it's 18,500 workers and sell to the highest bidder.
The strike began November 9th after wages and health benefits were cut.
I don't know about you, but I'm off to the grocery store to buy every box of Twinkies left on the shelf. When those are all gone, I'll just make my own with Brand-name recipe cloner Todd Wilbur. Watch howto make a home version of the world's most famous snack cake.
Source: ABCNews
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