By a show of hands, who wants to age gracefully and glow-fully, whilst staying ageless for as long as possible? *raises both hands*


The funniest thing about the dialog surrounding women and aging is that so much of it is about being seen, versus how we actually want to feel in our bodies.

Asking the questions:

How do I feel now?

and following up with

How do I want to feel instead?

Are two of the most powerful questions to ask ourselves.


The great news is that there are several truly low or no cost ways to look AND feel ageless in no time flat--and is not a gimmick. The following are probably not going viral on the socials currently and will definitely put you on path to graceful aging and keeping that glow this summer and all year round.

1. Ice Baths


The benefits of taking ice baths are long held. According to, taking regular ice baths for 3-6 minutes at a time, "Eases sore and aching muscles, aiding in sleep, and consequently, making you feel better from having less fatigue, decreases inflammation and helps with stress."

2. Yoni Steaming


According to good ole Wikipedia, Vaginal steaming  "sometimes shortened to V-steaming, and also known as wormwood steaming is an alternative health treatment whereby a woman squats or sits over steaming water containing herbs such as mugwort, rosemary, wormwood, and basil. It has been practiced in Africa (Mozambique, South Africa), Asia (Indonesia, Thailand), and Central America (among the Q'eqchi' people). You can learn more about the practice and its many benefits here.

3. Ayurvedic Massage

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

According to ancient ayurvedic text, regular oil massage (abhyanga) delays the aging process. You can learn more about the practice and how to do it for free at home, here.

4. Eating/Juicing More Fresh/Raw Vegetables

loading... states that "The best anti-aging foods are mostly fruits and vegetables." Goodnature reports that juicing "increases vitamins and minerals in your diet, has the potential to help with weight loss, increases energy, decreases inflammation (in the body) and helps the body protect (itself) against disease."  And since its the season of abundance, now is the best time to get more of the good stuff in our diets to glow older gracefully.

LOOK: These are the richest women in America

From self-made businesswomen to heirs of wealthy American dynasties, these are the 50 richest women in America, compiled from Forbes data by Stacker.  

Inventions Made By Women

12 Worst States For Women

"To identify the best and worst states for women, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across two key dimensions, “Women’s Economic & Social Well-Being” and “Women’s Health Care & Safety.”
We examined those dimensions using 25 relevant metrics, which are listed below with their corresponding weights. Each metric was graded on a 100-point scale, with a score of 100 representing the most favorable conditions for women.
We then determined each state and the District’s weighted average across all metrics to calculate its overall score and used the resulting scores to rank-order the states."

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