’98 Seconds with Naomi Lynn’ – Things Get a Little Competitive Between Two Radio Personalities
It's the battle of the Lite 98.7 on-air personalities. Well, two of them anyway. Beth and Naomi Lynn take on the rock wall to find out who is superior.
There's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition, right?
Well, Naomi Lynn from middays and Beth from the morning show like to talk big... About anything. But it's all in good fun. This weekend they finally got the chance to put their money where their mouth is, and compete against each other.
This weekend was the Guy's Expo at the F.X. Matt Brewery. There was arm wrestling, a shooting simulator from the Army National Guard, fantastic restored cars from Steve's Hot Rods and Restorations, even a go-kart with a mini jet engine on it from the MVCC Aviation Maintenance Program. And then there was the rock wall.
Beth and Naomi have been waiting for a chance to compete against each other, and this was their opportunity. Whoever could make it up the rock wall fastest, would win the coveted Lite 98.7 Gold Crown. The crown has been waiting in the radio studio for someone to claim it, and now it would have an owner.
So who was victorious? Who is the new queen of the Lite 98.7 on-air staff? Well, check out the video at the top of this page and find out.
You can just scroll down a bit, and you'll see a picture that gives it away.
The picture of the on-air personality wearing the crown.
That's right, Naomi Lynn has won the crown... For now anyway. There will be another challenge, there will be another chance for someone else to be the queen or king of the Lite 98.7 on-air staff. But until then, Naomi will be wearing her crown proudly.
Do you have any suggestions for the next challenge for the Lite 98.7 staff? Maybe something all can compete in: Beth, Dave, Naomi, and CJ? What would you like to see them battle out? Leave us a suggestion in the "comments section" at the bottom of this page, or you can always leave us a comment or message on our Lite 98.7 Facebook Page.
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