If you want to take spring cleaning to the next level take it to your Facebook! Facebook can be a dirty grimy place and you may need some extra hands to clean up this mess.


The next wave of social networking according to AllFacebook.com is the "mop up crew." These teams for hire will scour your Facebook profile and scrub it clean of anything that's socially unacceptable -- in the real world.

For example, the consulting firm "MBA Exchange" helps business school applicants control their online image. The word has leaked out that college admissions offices, high school principals, and even jury selection teams will search through Facebook to find damning evidence against a person. "MBA Exchange" will help you erase embarrassing photos and foul language from your Facebook wall.

Another good way to clean the good old profile is to clean out friends. Post a status for your real friends to respond, and who doesn’t delete them!

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