How To Have The Winning Online Dating Profile
Online dating is getting more popular by the day and more and more people are finding their mates through the internet. It's not as easy as you may think though because you need to make sure you have a profile you are proud of in order to attract the most people. You may need some tips. Here are 6 Tips from Yahoo Shine For Setting Up A Winning Online Dating Profile:
Step 1: The Pictures- Choose a picture that shows what you really look
like. Don't misrepresent yourself. People do judge books by the cover.
Step 2: The "About Me"- Reveal some interesting facts about yourself, but don't give it all away. Leave your online viewers wanting more.
Step 3: The One Liner- Add a clever sentence that makes you stand out. Make sure its funny and not boring.
Step 4: The Physical Stuff- Be completely honest about what you look like, including your height and weight. If you lie, your date will know the second they meet you.
Step 5: Your Interests- List as many things that interest you as possible. Give people something to talk to you about.
Step 6: Your Relationship History- You don't have to delve into details, but make sure your online gentleman callers know a little bit about your relationship history.
What tips do you have for online dating?
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