If the Village of Ilion Were a Movie, It Would Be…
After our fun with 'If Utica Were a Movie, It Would Be...' we decided to bring it back. This time we're focusing on the area of Ilion.
We're not sure if Ilion would be more of a comedy, drama, action film, or chick-flick, but we decided why not try them all? (or most of those categories, anyways).
Not only did we find movies that we thought 'fit' for the description for Ilion, but we also updated those movie names to make them more suitable.
Here's our favorite 10 'Ilionized' movies:
1. The Gun-Maker's Daughter
2. National Lampoon's Animal Gorge
3. Remember the Golden Bomber's
4. Devil's Island Wears Prada
5. There Will Be Bars
6. The 40-Year-Old Bowler
7. The Tow Pathfinder
8. Gone in 18 Years
9. South Fifth Element
10. Pine-Applewood Express
And here's a bonus movie for anyone who knows their history of Ilion (including the high school before the merger), and their history of movies:
Never Be Less Than the Best of the Best