Are you making the same resolution you made last year because they failed? You're not alone, lots of people don't stick to their resolution. Here are five tips according to yahoo health to keep them for some time.


1) Having a Long-Term Focus - Over-committing to the gym every day for a year is tough, but how about making an effort for the next five weeks? Focusing on the short-term can reap long-term results. Don’t say you will go three times a week for the next year because it won’t happen!

2) Striving for Perfection - People quit because they think they've failed at every little slip, lapse, or tough spot. Give yourself credit for getting to the gym even if it's a 10-minute session. No such thing as perfect.

3) Setting Small Goals - Big goals can actually help, as long as you have a realistic time frame. 50 pounds this year? No problem, as long as you cap your expectations at 1-2 pounds a week -- and focus on your means (getting to the gym/eating well) not the results. Now you get credit every day and stay motivated.

4) Focusing on Hypotheticals – Thinking about all the bad sides won't help you quit bad habits. Instead think about what you dislike about you now, ask the people that you love how it affects them.

5) Not Having Support from Family and Friends - Get on the same page. Have your friends and family know what your goals are and see if they can help you accomplish them.

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