Spouse Maintenance: Best of Beth & Dave
The Lite 98.7 morning show rounded the corner from July of 2018 into August. The first week back from a week of summer vacation on Beth & Dave produced a bevy of fun and scintillating topics for Central New York.
We covered dogs and Christmas, we talked about words and butt inspections, and we heard from a fan tuning in from Florida who called to chat. Click the video and/or follow along to the following description of The Best of Beth & Dave for the week of shows from July 30 through the first week of August:
Spouse maintenance. Not to be confused with spousal maintenance, this doesn't have anything to do with alimony payments, but with the physical maintenance of each other and where the limits should be; as usual, we disagreed.
Dog saliva amputation. It's not every day that you hear those three words together. Unfortunately, a man in Wisconsin contracted Capnocytophaga canimorsus from his dog's saliva, developed a blood disease, and had to have all his limbs amputated. We heard from dog lovers on this topic.
Way too early Christmas. Beth was disturbed by a display inside a local store; as for me...not so much.
Listeners in other states. We often wonder how many we have. We know for sure there's a regular listener in South Carolina. And this week, we found out we have an Uber driver from Florida who tunes in.
Different pronunciations of various common words. Bagel. Aunt. Almond. Mayonnaise. Route. How do YOU pronounce 'em?