If you're out on the roads, make sure you're wearing your seatbelt. Police departments will be issuing tickets as part of the 'Click It, Or Ticket' campaign.
Katelyn Armstrong of Whitesboro was enjoying her drive to work this week when she noticed that something wasn't right. An unexpected object landed on her in her car while she was on Commercial Drive and started smelling smoke.
The Oneida Indian Nation has teamed up with StearClear to make the trip home from the Turning Stone or Yellow Brick Road Casino a whole lot safer after the New Year's Celebration. Not only will they drive you home, but they'll bring your car along as well.
Parents and Guardians can only do so much when it comes to preventing their teens from texting and driving. You can say "Don't text and drive" until you're blue in the face, but if you're not in the vehicle with them you really can't do anything to stop them. That is until now!
Everything you have ever known about keeping your child's car seat in the front seat is changing, that is according to Volvo. They have released a photo on their Twitter showing a brand new concept that has some parents scratching their heads.
The 'Click It or Ticket' campaign kicks off today across New York State. Law enforcement agencies are cracking down on drivers who are not wearing their seat belts and The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is stepping up their efforts to encourage safe driving. They released a brand new commercial that will definitely make you think twice before leaving your seatbelt off.
When you think of all the time we spend in our cars, accidents are bound to happen. However, there are specific days of the year that happen to be more dangerous than others for motorists. What are the most dangerous days of the year for drivers?