More Central New York Construction, Please!
Drive around CNY this summer and you'll see plenty of constuction. While most people groan when they say signs warning of construction ahead, I'm happy to see it and would be even happier if we had even more construction.
No, I'm not trying to get a job working construction. The reason I want more construction? My son loves construction. The more trucks and diggers there are, the happier he is. He could sit and watch them for hours. He knows all the names of the equipment and believe me, if I call one by the wrong name, he's quick to point out what the correct name is. We've even had a few construction workers offer to let him sit in their trucks or take a short drive, but he's not up for that just yet. Never did I think I'd know the difference between an backhoe, frontloader or motor grader. Kids aren't the only ones learning. Parents are too and that's one of the coolest things about being a parent. Keep that construction coming and thanks for being nice to a two year old boy. It makes his day and mine too.