
Can You Give Charlotte A Calm, Relaxing, Nurturing Home?
Can You Give Charlotte A Calm, Relaxing, Nurturing Home?
Can You Give Charlotte A Calm, Relaxing, Nurturing Home?
Look how absolutely BEAUTIFUL Charlotte is! According to the staff from CPV, she's three years old and has been at the rescue for about 8 or 9 months. She is a very very shy kitty and really needs to find a home that will love and nurture her.
Kaylin's Take: Women Find Men Less Attractive When Holding a Cat?
Kaylin's Take: Women Find Men Less Attractive When Holding a Cat?
Kaylin's Take: Women Find Men Less Attractive When Holding a Cat?
I'm not going to lie: I don't agree with the results of this survey at all. Let's break it down. 😂 Researchers at Colorado State University took photos of various men in two difference scenarios: one alone, and one of them holding a cat. Aft...

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