Bad Sequels: Best of Beth & Dave
Summertime and the livin' is easy on the Lite 98.7 morning show, as we test new features, lean on tried-and-true ones, expose each other's soft underbellies, and continue to put Intern Carl through his paces.
Here, in no particular order, are the five segments that made the cut in The Best Of Beth & Dave for the week of June 25, 2018. Click above for the brief audio montage of highlights and/or follow the description:
Worst. Sequels. Ever. This topic arose when we discussed the latest Jurassic World movie and produced a few surprising answers from us and from our Central New York listeners and Facebook participators.
When are Millennials not millennials? When they're Intern Carl, who actually doesn't really qualify as a millennial anyway. Still, he deserves his own category, and we came up with one for him.
Blood is NOT thicker than water. Another riveting episode of our 8:15 daily feature, Your Momma Must Be So Proud, which took place in Florida and set a new low standard for motherly love.
"Breaking News" from Kim Kardashian. Can you sense the sarcasm in our latest mini-feature?
Coin Flipping 101: the Debate. The movie we made comparing Beth's weak coin flipping technique came up for discussion and led to the revelation of other rudimentary skills we just don't have.