This is not a Halloween post, even though it happened the week before Halloween.
This is a ghost story.
Everything you are reading here is an accounting of actual events.
Being "new" to New York State offers its joys and challenges. New York is practically famous for is paranormal activity in buildings. But with all the mountains and forests and fresh air and what not, I wonder often where the New York mystics go to have a mystical experience, beyond bigfoot sightings and ghost stories.
If you follow haunted places in Upstate New York, one that may turn up on your "spooky" places, aka, haunted places list is Hotel Utica. A very strange thing happened there...this is part 3 of an ongoing personal accounting of a visit to Hotel Utica.
If you follow haunted places in Upstate New York, one that may turn up on your "spooky" places, aka, haunted places list is Hotel Utica. A very strange thing happened there...this is part 2 of an ongoing personal accounting of a visit to Hotel Utica.
If you follow haunted places in Upstate New York, one that may turn up on your "spooky" places, aka, haunted places list is Hotel Utica. A very strange thing happened there...
The fall equinox and the first day of autumn arrives on Saturday, September 23, 2023, at 02:50 A.M. Here's an affirmation "hack" to get your mind right.
If "witchy" is your aesthetic, there's an Airbnb in Upstate New York has your witchy name written all over it. It's so gorgeous, if you can score a reservation, you may not want to leave.