When I was a kid, I was introduced to a movie that many may not have heard of, and it's been a tradition for my mom and I to watch it every single Christmas.
Let's face it: 2020 has been a really crappy year for everyone. But it is still important, despite how terrible it has been, to reflect and express all the things you continue to be thankful for.
There were a few deals that I took advantage of today not only for the house, but I did get a few things that I needed in general that were just super convenient to get during Prime Day.
It's definitely because of the pandemic that I'm feeling this type of way. But here's another way to think about it. 2020 has been awful. The sooner Christmas comes, the sooner we're on our way to a new year.
I'm not going to lie: I don't agree with the results of this survey at all. Let's break it down. 😂
Researchers at Colorado State University took photos of various men in two difference scenarios: one alone, and one of them holding a cat.